Th Women Army corps and the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency played a great role during WWII.
Women were allowed to enlist in the military and directly conribute to the war effort.
<h3>WAC and WAVES</h3>
In 1942 The US created the first service branches for women in the military beyond nursing, the Women's Auxillary Army Corps (WAAC) and its naval analog, the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES)
Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, known as WAVES, was a branch of the U.S. Navy created during World War II (1939–45) in which women could enlist.
Prior to its formation, women could serve only as nurses in the navy.
In an effort to make more men available for combat positions, women were accepted through WAVES to serve in support positions.
Learn more about World War II at
My answer is A()subtraction because didnt egyptians invented a system of mathematics???
Its base is in Dutch words, but it was affected by local, European and slave languages.
Afrikaans which is the official language people used during the apartheid era is known to have evolved during the 19th century in Southern Africa. The language is said to have its roots mainly in Dutch, then mixed with Khoekhoe, San languages and Portuguese.
Since the language is associated with white speakers, it was then concluded that it was a “white language”.
Arnold S c h w a r z e n e g g e r
D no one sticks to the constitution 24/7 cause if we did america wouldn’t suck