Once amiable and easy going, he was now sullen, rigid, and impatient.
Part A.
Answer: There have been many, but they have all failed.
Explanation: Henry brings up their past experience with the British, and point out they never had a successful reconciliation. "And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House."
Part B.
Answer: He asks questions and then answers them to lead the audience.
Explanation: He asks questions such as "Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?" to support his argument that the British cannot be trusted if they are bringing troops.
Slow: Is alike with foe, because they both rhyme, and is different, because it means to be moving at a low speed. Foe: Alike in the sense that it rhymes, and different because it means your enemy or opponent. These two words can also be alike, because they both mean "annoying things".
- It has iambic pentameter.
Blank verse is elucidated as the literary device that involves a regular iambic pentameter(consists of five iambic feet(an unstressed or short syllable followed by a stressed or long syllable)).
In the given excerpt from Robert Frost's 'Mending Wall', <u>the use of 'iambic pentameter'(five metrical feet') makes it fall in the category of blank verse and helps the poet to create the desired rhythm and mood to convey the intended message effectively</u> ('remove the barriers(walls) that prevent socialization or human interaction) to the audience<u>.</u> The poet feels that 'walls are not good for humans as it promotes isolation and segregation.