D. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
HIPAA which stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is an act designed by the US government in 1996 to guard patients' confidential health information and also implement policies and procedures to safeguard it. The act contains the required information and instruction for handling patients' medical health information. The law however gives patients (or their representatives) the right to access these information which as a matter of fact must be made available within 30 days from the day of request.
PS: Not sure why the option D in the question contains ' FTF '. I have taken it to be a typo because without it, the option is in itself complete.
File structure.
HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language which is used for designing, developing and creating web pages.
Generally, all HTML documents are divided into two (2) main parts; body and head. The head contains information such as version of HTML, title of a page, metadata, link to custom favicons and CSS etc. The body of the HTML document contains the contents or informations of a web page to be displayed.
The file transfer protocol (FTP) client component of a full-featured HTML editor allows you to synchronize the entire file structure. Therefore, when you wish to share your entire html document over a network server such as a FTP client, you should use a full-featured HTML editor.
Here is the constructor:
public Square(double s)
{ //constructor name is same as class name
sideLength = s; } //s copied into sideLength field
The above constructor is a parameterized constructor which takes a double type variable s as argument. The name of constructor is same as the name of class.This constructor requires one parameters. This means that all declarations of Square objects must pass one argument to the Square() constructor as constructor Square() is called based on the number and types of the arguments passed and the argument passed should be one and of type double.
Here is where the constructor fits:
public class Square {
private double sideLength;
public Square(double s)
sideLength = s; }
public double getArea() {
return sideLength * sideLength;}
public double getSideLength() {
return sideLength; } }