The cost of labour is the sum off all wages paid to employees as well as the cost of employee benefits and payroll taxes paid by an employer.
The cost of labour is broken in direct and indirect cost.
To understand the new working environment, and the changes in the overall market structure; it is very important to learn new methods and change old habits that is exactly what Lewin change model explains. This model emphasises on the importance of a change as part of a job to cope with the new era of globalisation.
I’m going to make this short your answer is
C. $120,100.
There is increase in unemployment rate due to a lot of factors. The Central Bank needs to also be conscious of the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation.
An increase in unemployment rates will often result to decrease in inflation and vice versa. The short-run Phillips curve depicts that in the short-term a tradeoff exist between inflation and unemployment.
A conflict is known to exist between inflation and unemployment
. A trade of often takes place between unemployment and inflation.
In a time of high growth, there tends to be more jobs that are created, causing unemployment to fall. If unemployment falls, it often place an upward pressure on wages, leading to inflation.
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