It really isn't by age it is tha way the child has been trained and brought up
The death of Vladimir Lenin and the rise of Joseph Stalin, I believe.
The 13th Amendment formally abolished slavery. The loophole in this amendment is that slavery as a punishment for crime is still allowed.
Reconquista, English Reconquest, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territory from the Muslims (Moors), who had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 8th century.
the serial position effect.
The Serial-position effect can be defined as a pattern of recall for list items, in this pattern, recall is better for items at the beginning or end of a list than for items in the middle.
It entails that one tend to remember or recall the names or items in the beginning or at the end, but have no recall of items in the middle.
The serial position effect have two types;
Recency Effect is a type of serial position effect where recall is best for items at the end of a list, then for items at the beginning, then for items in the middle of the list.
Primacy Effect is a type of serial-position effect where recall is best for the first items on the list, then for at the end of the list, then for items in the middle of the list.
Cyndi only being able to recall the first few people she met indicates that she had serial position effect at the instance.