They were pushed out of their land
Kerala Flood. Occurrence- 2018. ...
Kashmir Flood. Occurrence- 2013. ...
Uttarakhand Flood. Occurrence- 2013. ...
Tsunami. Occurrence- 2004. ...
Gujarat Earthquake. Occurrence- 2001. ...
Odisha Super Cyclone. Occurrence- 1999. ...
Bengal Famine. Occurrence- 1770
least I could remember
Take nonviolent direct action so that the problem cannot be ignored
Substage 3
develops schematic ideas
deliberate actions focus on
repeating interesting effects
direct imitation
focused on self
simple associations
increased physical skills
enable infant to handle materials
more effectively
Activities included are
reaches for and grasps objects, manipulates items
repeats interesting or surprising
copies another baby banging with a
wooden spoon
links objects by function
sits and passes toy from one hand to
the other
Natural levees
These acts as a natural barrier between the storms and acts as a wall of defense, the Katrina type 3 tropical storm which occurred on the Gulf of Florida and placed more than 4 lakh people.