It can get political figures less willing to use money for good. For example, tax money will be used less effectively.
"Ralph becomes upset that he and Simon are doing all of the work, realizing that everyone else is “bathing, or eating, or playing.”
Depends on how you wanna start it
"Piggy criticizes the others for letting the fire spread outside the fire-pit by asking, “How can [they] expect to be rescued if [they] don’t put first things first and act proper?” This leads to a confrontation on the mountain between Jack and Piggy which Ralph must diffuse."
A.The fairy tale would rely more on plot events to express theme while the poem would emphasize key images or repeat key words or phrases.
A theme is the central message an article or literary work is trying to pass across.
A fairy tale is typically a story that involves magic and imaginary stuff that is usually written for children.
A poem on the other hand is a piece of literature that expresses ideas, thoughts and feelings with the use of literary devices for heightened effect.
Therefore, a fairy tale might express theme differently from a poem by using plot events to display theme while a poem would likely employ literary devices such as repetition, or emphasis on key images.
The speaker had a specific identity. He was A.H.'s friend and this was the way he mourned him. No one else mourned him with those words. No one else shared the same experiences with A.H. The I may be known to the reader but that doesn't matter. The I is expressing his personal grief in his poems.
various people did, for example, the person who created the name for Alabama is different from the person who came up with Pennsylvania.
hope this helped, good luck