Jumonville's murder in captivity incited a strong French response, and Washington was unable to defend his makeshift Fort Necessity from French forces led by Jumonville's half-brother. Washington surrendered on July 4 and signed a confession—in French, which he could not read—to Jumonville's assassination.
C - Swahili
D East African societies had more central control than West African societies
Freedom of religion was added to the first amendment because their wasn't that much freedom with some people religions because other people didn't like what they believed
. Only artwork by Native women will appear in "Hearts of Our People."
"Hearts of Our People." was a famous book written by Jill Ahlberg Yohe and Teri Greeves about the artwork of Native Women Artists
. In this book a tribute is given to the native women artists for their vital role in the making of these beautiful arts. The work of artists more than seventy-five different tribes were describe in this book in order to show innovation of the art of Native women. Women were the creative force behind Native art which they learn it from their elders.
sharp teeth
Herbivores have broad, flat molars (back teeth) with rough surfaces, which are used for grinding up tough plant tissues. Many herbivores (like squirrels) have chisel-like front teeth used for gnawing through wood or hard seeds. These teeth grow continually to avoid being worn down with use.