The <u>correct answer</u> is:
There were 303 people surveyed total.
There were 64 people with brown eyes and black hair; that makes the percentage of the population 64/303 = 21.12% ≈ 21%.
There were 9 people with blue eyes and black hair; that makes the percentage of the population 9/303 = 2.97% ≈ 3%.
This means the percentage of students with brown eyes and black hair was greater than the percentage of students with blue eyes and black hair by:
21-3 = 18%.
Observation that we can make is min = 10, max = 19, range = 9, Maximum frequency of a number is 12, Average = 12.9, median = 12, mode = 12 it is slightly skewed on the right.
Step-by-step explanation:
- It is imperative to create a data in a tabular column before analyzing.
- Once the data is created use tally marks or frequency distribution.
- Frequency distribution helps the data to provide occurrence of event.
- Very important to number which is a counting numbers are discrete.
- Continuous of data are ones which are in decimal.
- Descriptive statistics is the 1st level of Statistics.
- It finds, where the data stands. Minimum, Maximum is understandable.
- Range is at what level data is expanded.
- Average is the one numeric of a number.
- Median is the mid point of data
- Mode is the repetitive number of the data.
- Skewness is whether data is having extreme directions.
The answer is 1090 pounds because 1300, the max weight, minus 210, the baggage, is 1090. Hope this helps!
Option 1:
<span>Measuring the heights of every fiftieth person on the school roster to determine the average heights of the boys in the school
Comment: this might not be a good idea for fairness as we only wish to determine average height of the boys. Taking a group of 50 people randomly, might not give us the same number of boys every time.
Option 2:
<span>Calling every third person on the soccer team’s roster to determine how many of the team members have completed their fundraising assignment
Comment: The context doesn't seem to need a sampling. The number of players in a soccer team is considerably small. We can find exact data by asking in person.
Option 3:
Observing every person walking down Main Street at 5 p.m. one evening to determine the percentage of people who wear glasses
Comment: To get a more accurate result and fairer sampling, the period of observing could have been longer, for example, observing for 12 hours on that day, or an alternative is to observe at 5 pm for 7 days in a row. It could happen that no one walking down the Main street precisely at 5 pm wears glasses, or it could happen the other way around.
Option 4:
<span>Sending a confidential e-mail survey to every one-hundredth parent in the school district to determine the overall satisfaction of the residents of the town taking a poll in the lunch room (where all students currently have to eat lunch) to determine the number of students who want to be able to leave campus during lunch.
Comment: This sampling does fairly represent the population, although it might be an idea to scale down the sample population, i.e. every fiftieth parent.
Answer: Option 4</span>