Energy is if not the most fundamental unit of everything, along with matter, space and time, thus it is one of the foundations of all science.
Energy in science is like words in a book, you could not read the book without words, similarly, there would be no way to do science without energy. Take this example You can only measure the *speed* of an object if it has energy.
We could look at biolgy and see how photosynthesis makes use of energy. In photosynthesis we see plant cells converting energy from the sun into usful sugars to help the plant grow.
Now we could look at astronomy and see how energy is used, If you observe stars you can see the different brightnesses and masses, which tells you alot about what type of energy conversion is happening inside the star (nuclear fusion).
Nucleus, it contains genetic material.
Simple version:
First, the section with the desirable gene must be identified. Assuming that has already happened, the section of DNA must be excised from the original genome using restriction enzymes, which recognize certain DNA sequences and snip DNA at those sites. DNA ligase is used to "glue" these ends back together. The DNA is inserted into a plasmid (also with restriction enzymes), which would usually contain antibiotic-resistance genes (so they survive in an environment containing the antibiotic, which would also help show if the bacteria have been successfully transformed).
Then comes the actual transformation process. The bacteria to be transformed are mixed with calcium chloride (which causes the bacteria to be more receptive to the plasmids) and then mixed with the plasmids. The bacterial cells are subjected to a heat shock (the solution is heated and rapidly cooled, e.g. by placing the mixture in a hot water bath and quickly transferred to ice) so they will take up the plasmid (since the temperature change makes the membrane more permeable). The bacteria are placed on a growth medium containing the antibiotic they're resistant to. Only those successfully transformed would survive.
The answer to this question would be: smell
The sensory organ that catch smell is located in the nose and will send the signal into the olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulb is located in the bottom part of the brain, near the hippocampus(which was the center of memory), and amygdala (which was the center of emotion).
true is answer hope it help you.