Answer:Works Progress Administration (WPA
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) created in 1935 by President Franklin D Roosevelt to restore the financial and economic system of America out of the Great Depression. This program was part of his New Deal plan to create employment for its citizens and also was responsible sponsoring arts projects thereby employing several actors, musicians, writers and other artists.
The population is most dense around Saint Petersburg and Moscow
Eu engulo minha própria porra! isso é estranho

➤ When a few companies dominate the market, it’s called Oligopoly
An Oligopoly is referring to when a few companies dominate, overpower or become more successful or larger than other companies or markets. It does not matter how powerful the dominated or dominating companies are. Oligopoly is simply referring to a few companies. Although only a few firms dominate, it is possible that many small firms may also operate in the market.
- Mordancy