Explanation:Mind mapping software can help you to make connections and become a better creative problem solver.
It helps you to make better decisions. ...
It helps you to become better organized. ...
You can see the forest and the trees. ...
It helps you to identify, prioritize and track key project tasks.
The program is written using PYTHON SCRIPT below;
N=int(input(" Enter number of Rows you want:"))
M=[] # this for storing the matrix
for i in range(N):
l=list(map(int,input("Enter the "+str(i+1)+" Row :").split()))
print("The 2D Matrix is:\n")
for i in range(N):
W=[] # to store the first non zero elemnt index
T=[] # to store that value is positive or negative
for i in range(N):
for j in range(L):
if (M[i][j]==0):
W.append(j) # If the value is non zero append that postion to position list(W)
if(M[i][j]>0): #For checking it is positive or negative
print("The first Non Zero element List [W] : ",end="")
print("Positive or Negative List [T] : ",end="")
In order for the program to determine a set of test cases it takes in input of 2D matrix in an N numbet of rows.
It goes ahead to program and find the column index of the first non-zero value for each row in the matrix A, and also determines if that non-zero value is positive or negative. The If - Else conditions are met accordingly in running the program.
The correct code to this question can be de4fined as follows:
double power;
power = Math.pow(base, exp);
In the given question the choices were missing, that's why we defined the correct code only.
- In the given code a two double variable "base and exp" is declared, that input the value from the user-side, and store its value into there respective variables.
- In the next step, "power", that is a double variable is declared, which uses the "Math.pow" function that calculates given values power and prints its value.
please find the attachment of the full code.
b. foreign key
In the database world, a foreign key is a field on one table and a primary key for another table. The purpose of a foreign key is to provide linkages between two or more tables. Given two tables A and B, and making A the point of reference, a primary key is a field that is unique in A while a foreign key is unique in B.
On another hand, a composite primary key is a combination of two or more fields/columns on database table that can be used to uniquely identify each row in the table.
In the database lingua, what we have is a unique key not a distinct key, though the two words are similar in meaning.
A duplicate key is used when an information may be repeatedly entered on a table.
So the correct option is a foreign key.