Due to urease activity, bacteria are able to use urea as a sole nitrogen source and produce ammonia, which increases the pH in the proximal environment, causing Ca2+ and CO32- to precipitate as CaCO3.
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Nucleotides are A & T and G&C you see in DNA and in RNA T is Replaced by U. The reason they must be balanced between G&C and T&A is because G has to bond with A in DNA and G with C so if there is more G than C that means there is mismatches between the DNA nucleotides same thing for A and T. In RNA you follow the same rule. If we have lets say 27% of our DNA as A we have to have 27% as T leaving 23% as C and 23% as G. If there was lets say 29% T while one 27% A then there was a error in DNA replication and could lead to errors in RNA synthesis if not corrected
Cancer cells are characterized by mutations associated with the uncontrolled growth of these tumor cells
Mutations in tumor suppressor genes are often associated with different types of cancers. On the other hand, mutations derived from the insertion of Transposable Elements may also activate cancer-related genes which are known as oncogenes
The answer is E; Self-interest study. This is due to the fact that the financier of the research, the beverage company, has vested interests in the research and will therefore be intuitively biased for the results to favour the sales of the beverage.