the first one
Every other statement listed is true, including the one about the soil.
The only False statement is that they will grow back on their own.
4000 kilometers
1 cm equal 500 kilometers
8 cm equals 4000 km
1. made from a dissolved mineral called calcite limestone
Limestone is a sedimentary rock derived from precipitation of the mineral calcite from a solution.
2. made of large grains of sand sandstone
Sandstone is a sedimentary rock derived from aggregates of sand grains.
3. made of very tiny grains of clay shale
Shale is a sedimentary rock made from very fine grain of clay minerals.
4. formed from sandstone quartzite
Quartzite is a metamorphic rock derived from a protolith of sandstone. When sandstone is subjected to pressure and temperature beyond that of metamorphism.
5. fine-grained rock with few or no crystals basalt
Basalt is an igneous rock dark in color and fine grained.
Quicksand is mainly water and sand so it makes sense that it eventually leads to a water source underground.
The place where two plates collide is called a convergent boundary