The specific type of tools that can assist teams by identifying attacks and indicators of compromise by collecting, aggregating, and correlating log and alert data from routers, firewalls, IDS/IPS, endpoint logs, Web filtering devices, and other security issues are:
1. Arachni
2. Grabber
3. Iron wasp
4. Nogotofail
5. SonarQube
6. SQLMap
7. W3af
8. Wapiti
9. Wfuzz
10. ZedAttack Proxy Zap
The testing tool is capable of uncovering a number of vulnerabilities, to scan small web applications, to uncover over 25 types of web application vulnerabilities, to detect TLS/SSL vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, to measure the source code quality of a web application, to detect and utilize SQL injection vulnerability in a website’s database, to find over 200 types of security issues in web applications, to check web applications for security vulnerabilities.
The security testing tool supports command-line access for advanced users can also be used to intercept a proxy for manually testing a webpage.
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hope my ans helps
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have a good day
Here is the Python program:
#the method acronym that takes an argument phrase
def acronym(phrases):
acronym = "" #to store acronym of a phrase
#loop to split the input phrase and return its acronym in upper case letters
for phrase in phrases.split():
acronym = acronym + phrase[0].upper()
return acronym
#main function that takes input phrase from user and display its acronym
def main():
phrases = input("Enter a phrase: ")
print("The acronym for your phrase is ",acronym(phrases))
First let me explain the method acronym. This method takes a parameter phrase to return its corresponding acronym. First the phrase is split using split() method which is used to return the list of words in a phrase. For loop is used that will keep splitting the words in the string (phrase) entered by the user.
In this statement: acronym = acronym + phrase[0].upper() the acronym is computed. phrase[0] means the first character of each word in the phrase which is found out by the split() method is converted to upper case by using upper() function and then stored in acronym variable. Each time the acronym is found and its first character is converted to upper case and added to the acronym variable.
Then the main() function prompts the user to enter a phrase and then calls the acronym function and passed that phrase as parameter to that function. Then the computed acronym for the phrase is printed on the screen.
The correct option is D: Administrative controls
Administrative controls are also known as work practice controls and involves changes in the procedure of work such as rules, schedules, policies, training etc, with the intention of cutting down to the barest minimum incidence, duration, and the graveness of exposure to situations or chemical that constitute a hazard. Drug screening test would be to ensure that the employee is fit to work and does not form a hazard and thus is an administrative control.
Yes, "technology" doesn't have to be all about computers or cell phones.. Technology is anything that is a new advance in knowledge and books were once a great advance in that field.