Specifically, having strong gender schemata provides a filter through which we process incoming stimuli in the environment. This leads to an easier ability to assimilate information that is stereotype congruent, hence further solidifying the existence of gender stereotypes.
A) chosen by the Federal Reserve Bank presidents.
- As the responsibility of the board of the governs is to guide the monetary policy and action and analyze the domestic and the economic and the financial conditions.
- Which can lead the communities to study the current issues as consumer banking laws and electronic commerce. The federal reserve board is the main governing body that helps in the monetary policy of the united states.
Egyptians were better off with a democratically elected regime. The benefits of a democracy by far surpasses the excesses of a military dictatorship, in that in a democracy, freedoms and liberties are protected.
however, the Egyptian situation was different because the democratically elected president became the enemy of freedoms and liberties such as freedom to worship, and promoted radical brotherhood views.
the problem was with the way the transition was handled, as the military ought to have let parliament or the people decide the course of society. the problem, however is, with religion such as Islam the achievement of the democratic ideals is a long shot?
the terriatial radiation exceeds solar radiation
volcanic erruption other causes why earth becomes warmer. btw it is part of general chemical of earth surfeces and sun gives some of the dioxide to make earth warmer.