When considering human history we see that "long-run sustainable"
growth in real per capital GDP generally did not occur before the beginning of the 19th century "<span>but now exists in many countries around the world".</span>
Economic growth or Financial development is commonly estimated as the change in per-capita Gross Domestic product (GDP). Supported long term financial development at a positive rate is a genuinely later phenomenon in mankind's history, a large portion of it having happened over the most recent 200 years.
They settled around the Mediterranean and Black sea, which helped spread culture.
Cross-Sectional Research Method
Cross-Sectional Research Method often referred to as cross-sectional analysis, is a form of research study, in which the researcher gather data to make deductions about subjects or population of interest at a particular point in time. It is conducted such that, a researcher might gather data from selected groups of different age, class or level at one point in time. Thus, deductions or inferences can be made based on the age, class or level differences rather than things that occurred over a time.
Hence, Max is considered to be using Cross-sectional research method, since he is using population of different groups based on age to conduct research or gather information.
He reduced regulations on businesses
The way President Reagan addressed the "crisis" was buy introducing a policy that was dubbed "Reaganomics" and was called "free market economics" by President Reagan himself.
This economic policy included reduction of the growth of government spending, reduction in income tax, reduction of government regulation on businesses, and the tightening of money to reduce inflation.