Yes, true.
The Gobi Desert is the largest desert in Asia, covering 500,000 square miles.
This is the second stage of genocide.
Once the first stage went on well, the second stage was waiting for implementation. Now that there was a clear distinction between the Turkish and Armenians in the eyes of the public, the government started with propaganda, using symbolization to vilify the Armenians and to give reason to the Turkish population to dislike or hate them.
This was done by spreading propaganda that the Armenians in Turkey are siding with Russia. Russia has been the biggest Turkish enemy for several centuries, so this immediately caused fear, insecurity, panic, and aggressive behavior from the Turkish population. In order to stop the spreading of Russia's influence through the Armenians, intermarrying became forbidden.
The authors found that, on average, a 1% reduction in the per capita GDP implies a 0.24 to 0.40 increase in infant mortality per 1,000 live births. In a more recent study, O’Hare et al.17 found effects of 0.33 for infant mortality and 0.28 for under-five mortality. These results are higher than those observed in the present study, which found an association of approximately 0.12 for infant mortality and 0.10 for under-five mortality rate for the total sample, and 0.15 and 0.14, respectively, for the subsample of low- and middle-income countries. This difference is probably due to the countries included in the sample, as Baird et al.14 and O’Hare et al.17 include only middle- and low-income countries in their analysis, while the present study included countries from the three income strata, with only 14% of the sample consisting of low-income countries. According to Maruthappu et al.6, the effect of economic crises on the health of children under five in the poorest countries is three-fold higher than the effect on children in high-income countries.