What is 32% of 75?
Y is 32% of 75.
Equation: Y = P% * X.
Solving our equation for Y:
Y = P% * X.
Y = 32% * 75.
Converting percent to decimal:
p = 32%/100 = 0.32.
Y = 0.32 * 75 .
Y = 24.
Answer is 24.
I got 28.93095228, I hope this is the answer
33.5 cubic inches.
Step-by-step explanation:
If the softball fits perfectly inside the cubical box, the softball is a sphere with diameter of 4 inches (radius os 2 inches).
The volume of a sphere is given by:

For r = 2 inches:

The volume of the softball is 33.5 cubic inches.