First thing to do, when you have to add 2 fractions, you have to make both denominators equal. 14/6 = 0.84, so can't multiply or divide any fraction by a whole number to get the other denominator.
So, you multiply each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction. Which means that you multiply 5/14 by the denominator of 1/6 which is 6, and you multiply 1/6 by the denominator of 5/14 which is 14.
5/14 + 1/6 = 30/84 + 14/84
Then you join both fractions to make them under one denominator, since both denominators are equal.
30/84 + 14/84 = (30+14)/84 = 44/84.
Now, you need to simplify the fraction: you divide both numerator and denominator by 4:
44/84 = 11/21
So 5/14 + 1/6 = 11/21
Hope this Helps! :)
You would need 1 more 6
I can't explain this very well, sorry.
Answer C is the only one in function notation.
Step-by-step explanation:
To find something in function notation, we look for 2 different criteria.
- On the left side, it must say f( ), with a variable in the parenthesis.
- On the right side, the variable being used must match that from the left side.
Since C is the only one that satisfies both of those needs, we know it is the answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
Hello There!
The mean is pretty much the average
So to find the mean we first add up all of the values
Then we count the amount of points
There are 8 points
our final step is to divide the total value by the total number of points
so the mean (average) would be 5