Situational orgasmic disorder: The term "situational orgasmic disorder" is also referred to as "situational anorgasmia" and is denoted as one of the most common types of "orgasmic dysfunction". It is described as a situation that occurs only when individual orgasms during a few specific situations or scenarios, for example, masturbation or oral sex.
In the question above, the given type of orgasmic disorder would be called as situational.
A) 12th Amendment
12th Amendment provides the procedure for electing the Vice President and the President.
Communist forces ended the war by seizing control of South Vietnam in 1975, and the country was unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year "Vietnam War: Causes, Facts & Impact - HISTORY"
Answer – A ball game
In Chapter 10 of the 1937 novel, Their
Eyes Were Watching God which was authored by Zora Neale Hurston, an
African-American writer, we find that most of the town went to a baseball game,
leaving Janie alone at the store. Because of this, Janie decided to close up
the store early but before she could, a tall stranger came to the store to buy
cigarettes from her and then starts making flirtatious small talk with her,
making her laugh with his jokes.
When the classrooms are divided into ability levels, type of preparation or according to future plans, it is called tracking. Tracking is a system where in, the school's population is divided and assigned to their respective capabilities or their achievements.