Social conventional reasoning
Social conventional reasoning is common among adults and adolescents. This kind of reasoning is based on judging the level of morality of a action by comparing with the expectations or views of the society. an individual's obedience to rules are not based on moral reasoning but based on what the society expects.
Fernando's reasoning is conventional because he focuses on the rules of the society to control his behavior.
"Slavery had died out, replaced in the cities and factories by immigrant labor from ... Northern children were slightly more prone to attend school than Southern ...
Comparing and Contrasting the North and South. Directions - Copy ... Increase in factory work brought more people to live in the cities. • Cities were ... Small farmers had little or no education. ... 30,000 miles of track was laid by 1850. • Canals ...
The film and television industries in Georgia generated $9.5 billion in 2018, but the economic impacts extend much further. Countless jobs are created in the process.
It is a mix of italy and euprions