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Right choice:
Luther taught that salvation came from faith alone, while the Church taught that both faith and good works could bring about salvation.
Martin Luther was a priest and theologian in Wittenberg, Germany. In his times, one of the usual practices of the Roman Catholic Church was to issue papal bulls for a payment that would absolve the person from his or her sins. This was scandalous to the eyes of Luther. Besides, abuses and immoral behavior by priests and bishops, often too attached to worldy possessions and pleasures, was not uncommon. This led Luther to publish his 95 thesis on the doors of the Wittenberg seminar where he taught, the start of Reformation and Protestantism in Europe. The Lutheran creed says that human salvation is an act of the grace of God and can be attained through faith only; Christians can establish a direct communication with God, not through intermediaries (Catholic priests); the ultimate authority on religious issues is the Bible, the Holy Scriptures, not the interpretation and dogmas of the Vatican.
The limits of liberty: the legacy of the American Revolution. Women could not vote, nor could half a million slaves or over a hundred thousand Native Americans. Slavery and racial segregation remained a political and cultural fault line
Return to normalcy after WWI.
One of President Harding's campaign promise was to bring the United States of America out of a war status and to a peace status following the end of World War I. Unfortunately, he passed during his presidency and did not accomplish much.