B. improved ecosystem health
-Surface mining is a method of extracting minerals near the surface of the Earth. The three most common types of surface mining are open-pit mining, strip mining, and quarrying.
-The environmental impact of mining includes erosion, formation of sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, and contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by chemicals from mining processes.The environmental effects of surface mining include;
- Habitat destruction
- Soil erosion
Air pollution from dust particulates
Pollution (especially from sediments)
All surface mining techniques negatively affect the environment, though some methods are more damaging than others.
Renewable energy provides reliable power supplies and fuel diversification, which enhance energy security and lower risk of fuel spills while reducing the need for imported fuels. Renewable energy also helps conserve the nation's natural resources.
Hormone levels generally decrease.
<em>The graph showed that hormone levels after ovulation generally decrease.</em>
The menstrual cycle of women generally have 3 phases which include:
- <em>The follicular phase</em>
- <em>The ovulatory phase</em>
- <em>The luteal phase</em>
The follicular phase is characterized by low levels of oestrogen and progesterone and a slightly high level of follicle stimulating hormone which ensures that follicles within the ovary develop.
The ovulatory phase is characterized by a surge in the luitenizing hormone (which stimulates the release of eggs) and follicle stimulating hormone with a decrease in the level of oestrogen and a gradual increase in the level of progesterone.
The luteal phase is characterized by a general decrease in the levels of luitenizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone while oestrogen level may remain high.
If you cut a flatworm in half, both halves can grow into a new individual by fission.