Viruses are often considered non-living because outside of a living cell, they do not exhibit the characteristics of living organisms: they are basically like crystals. But within a living organism, they become activated and are able to carry out life's activities like replication (a form of reproduction).
I cannot find the list of molecules and organs, but I gonna explain all existing lipid digestion.
First, you should know that triglycerides are not absorbable. The absorbable substances are free fatty acids, monoglycerides and cholesterol.
The main stages of lipid digestion:-Fat emulsification;
-Hydrolysis of lipids (by enzymes);
-Formation of micelles;
-Endocytosis of the micellar contents.
The enzymes responsible for lipid hydrolysis are:
lipases (pancreatic): secreted by the exocrine pancreas
colipase: secreted by the pancreas in an inactive form. Its role is to help the lipase in its activity.
cholesterol esterase: secreted by the pancreas too.
phospholipase A2: exists in the majority of the cells
The population would increase drastically and we would run out of resources for food. then the birth rates would eventually equal out to number of death rates . we then wouldnt have anyone alive
There are small tubes that connect all parts of a plant or a tree with the root. The root then applies root pressure to the nutrients and the nutrients and the water are pumped towards the upper parts through these small tubes.
Cytoplasm of RBCs contain large amount of hemoglobin which contain iron binds to haem group. it carry and transport oxygen from lungs to all parts of body and return carbondioxide back to the lungs from the different tissues.
Normal level of hemoglobin for men= 13.5 to 17.5 g/dl and for women =12.0 to 15.5 g/dl
Low level of hemoglobin is the indication of anemia