Approximately 75% percent of all the energy released by nutrients is used by the body to carry on its normal functions, such as respiration, digestion, reproduction, muscular movement, circulation, and cellular regrowth. The rest will get stored up as energy. It is important to note that this percentage changes drastically between people.
Endocrine System
1.hyperkalemia-high level of potassium in the blood hyper-excessive kal/i-potassium -emia: blood condition
2. hyponatremia-low level of sodium in the blood hypo-insufficient natr/o-sodium -emia: blood condition
3. hypopituitarism-hyposecretion of one or more pituitary gland hormone hypo-insufficient pituitary/o-pituitary gland -ism: state of
4. polyuria-condition of producing an excessive amount of urine poly-many -uria: urine condition
5. polydipsia- excessive feeling of thirst poly-many -dipsia: thirst
Lymphatic System
6. lymphatic-pertaining to the lymph lymph/o-lymph -atic: pertaining to
7. splenomegaly- an enlarged spleen splen/o-spleen -megaly: enlarged
8. adenoiditis-inflammation of the adenoids adenoid/o-adenoids -itis: inflammation
9. thymoma-a tumor of the thymus glands thym/o-thymus gland -oma: tumor
10. tonsillitis-inflammation of the tonsils tonsil/o-tonsils -itis: inflammation
The importance of development efforts for the country's progress cannot be overstated. Agriculture, industry operation, electricity production, tourism, road construction, and other development activities are crucial for the country since they help promote income-generating activities. Economic progress can be seen in these works. People are employed as a result of such development initiatives. They hone their skills.
To avoid sun damage: Stay indoors between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun’s burning rays are the strongest. Protect your skin with clothing, a hat, and sunscreen
I think that every answer from your question is correct because the player who will do the serve can stand anywhere to serve the ball but the most important thing is that he should stand behind the end line. Your answers here are referring to that every service is done from the back and that is why I think those are all correct answers.
I hope that this information will help you to recognize the correct answer.