Wide shot are for to carry the audience along as scenes are shot from a distance.
A wide shot is one of the basic camera shots in photography, it is a
also commonly called long shots. It shows the objective, object/subject from a distance, emphasizing the place and location, while Close shots on the other hand reveal details of the objective/object/subject also for to highlight emotions of a character.
A animator is one who creates an animation or cartoon; a cartoonist.
A wide shot tells the crowd, listenership and audience who is in the scene, where the scene is set, and when the scene takes place. In Cyprus, Lutra, and The tarcliraptor the animator aimed to carry the audience along such that the audience understand the time of the scenes, the settings of the scenes and the persons in the scenes respectively.
Wide shots however allow the actors to utilize their physical attributes and give the director a lot of space in which to work then to later focus on the lead role.
Desire of military strengths
Thirst for new markets
Belief in cultural superiority
I would go to the moon and play with football basketball every thing and eat crazy
the broad thing is thr main idea