Keratoacanthoma is a relatively common lesion in the elderly, but is difficult to distinguish from squamous
cell carcinoma. However, it is easily distinguished from Bowen's disease, basal cell carcinoma, Kaposi's
sarcoma, and seborrheic keratosis. Most keratoacanthomas undergo a benign self-healing course but may
leave a large, unsightly scar. Treatment is almost always preferred, both for cosmetic reasons and to
prevent the rare case of malignant transformation. Proper treatment for a lesion with this appearance is
excisional biopsy in order to distinguish between keratoacanthoma and squamous cell carcinoma.lanation:

At the heart of it, the main difference is that a product business sells physical, tangible objects, whereas a service business provides value through intangible skills, expertise and time.
3.Medicate the infected area to the best of your abilities
Two directions, the ventricles. In and out of the heart
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