High Blood Pressure. Hypertension increases one’s risk of cardiovascular disease as the blood vessel walls become irritated by the increased pressure exerted by the blood flowing through. As more and more damage is done to the vessel walls, plaque tends to form, in turn increasing the likelihood of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
maybe maybe taking the time to accept that you guys broke apart because of your differences or other reasons
Medicare Part D drug plans may have different benefit structures, but on average, they must all be at least as good as the standard model established by the government.
Very tired, and not wanting to get out of bed but also anxious about not getting stuff done. Wonderful combination.
Altered states of consciousness
In health and medicine, an altered state of consciousness is defined as any state of awareness that significantly differs from a regular waking awareness state (without actually being unconscious). In other words it refers to a significant deviation from a regular waking awareness state.
When someone has a stroke or any other form of brain damage, they experience low levels of awareness that significantly differ from the regular waking awareness state, therefore, this would be an example of altered states of consciousness.