7 to 6
Explanation: that is the ratio of eli´s games to his sisters
Drug trafficking is drug trade and drug abuse is habitat of taking drugs and other forms of crimes makes your heart and your soul keeps you engage in these activites.
Social emigration is considered to be the shifting of people from one area to another in order to get better employment opportunities, to be closer to their loved ones or to enjoy the perks some other place has to offer.
The social and cultural difference that occurs due to emigration are following;
- Increase in population in that area.
- Lack of job opportunities
- The movement of skilled labor from one area to another area causing imbalance.
- Lack of resources due to population over load.
- Intermingling of cultural values, therefore losing authenticity.
- Creation of new genetic mix along with a cultural mix due to intercultural marriages.
c. Bandura
Albert Bandura is a Social Cognitive Psychologist who is best known for his pioneering work Social Learning Theory, the concept of self-efficacy and he was best known for his Bobo Doll experiment, Observational learning, Social learning, and Self-Efficacy.
- Rollo May
- Abraham Maslow
- Carls rogers
These three were humanistic psychologist best known for their work
1) It promotes International peace and security through disarmament.