A mechanical computer
Created from gears and levers
When the user has understood they're required to install the linux distribution to set up a specific program works better on such a RISC architecture. SPARC must therefore find the device from which it would work that following distribution for the Linux. It is a RISC and ISA that was previously designed through both Fujitsu and Sun.
Yes their is a way go to your downloads see if you have some thing or their shall be something that you can type in your computer and find something or you can go to Youtube or google and they can show you a video or some articles.
The following class is written in Java. I created the entire Circle class with each of the methods and constructor as requested. I also created a tester class to create a circle object and call some of the methods. The output can be seen in the attached picture below for the tester class.
class Circle {
double radius;
public Circle(double radius) {
this.radius = radius;
public double getRadius() {
return radius;
public void resetRadius() {
radius = 0;
public double calculateArea() {
double square = Math.pow((Math.PI * radius), 2);
return square;