The answer is POMR ( the problem oriented medical record)
Answer:the hip
You place it closest to the missing limb so if it was the arm you would clip near shoulder.
What is the priority nursing assessment in the first 24 hours after admission of the client with thrombotic CVA? It is crucial to monitor the pupil size and pupillary response to indicate changes around the cranial nerves.
Answer: slightly cooler than
The testes are the male gonads. These are found in a loose pouch which is called as the scrotum behind the penis. The testes are responsible for production and storage of sperms which are the male gametes, and fluids which makes up the composition of the semen in males. The testes being the sperm factor functions efficiently when the temperature of the scrotum is slightly cooler than the rest of the body.
Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging tool that combines x-rays with computer technology to produce a more detailed, cross-sectional image of your body. A CT scan lets your doctor see the size, shape, and position of structures that are deep inside your body, such as organs, tissues, or tumors.