(This is my opinion but it’s an answer) I think water should be free. All people, plants, and animals need water to live and no one should die because they can’t have water, we are just too advanced for that. But with that being said, teaching people the importance of keeping water clean is important too. It should be mandatory for everyone to learn how to keep water clean, and ways to conserve water usage as well. Mother nature gave us water and no one has a right to deprive and capitalize off it. That is evil, greedy and inhuman. Keeping oceans, lakes, and streams is also important, and oil companies are not only destroying the atmosphere while being burned, but destroying the biosphere as well and if we don’t stop some the effects are detrimental and not reversible.
The correct answer is Imaginary audience.
Adolescence is a stage of development and transition towards adult life, which is characterized by an accelerated growth rate. During its development, neurological, cognitive and socioemotional changes occur, in addition to physical and sexual maturation. All of these experiences include the transition to social and economic independence, the development of identity, an increase in self-centeredness, the acquisition of the skills necessary to establish relationships in groups and the practice of roles.
Egocentrism during adolescence manifests itself through several cognitive and emotional phenomena such as the personal fable, the imaginary audience and the feeling of invulnerability:
The personal fable is a story that teenagers tell themselves, based on the conviction that their personal experience is special and unique.
Imaginary audience: When, unrealistically, teenagers consider that others pay as much attention to their appearance and conduct as themselves.
The feeling of invulnerability is a cognitive distortion that could underlie the risky behaviors that some adolescents engage in, thinking that the most likely consequences of such behaviors cannot happen to them because they are special.
Through a group of equals, teenagers learn to put into perspective and to relativize what is happening to them, as well as the emotional intensity it produces.
The subject and predicate (verb) are missing, including a conjunction between "kindest" and "most."
When the subject, a verb, and a conjunction are added to the phrase "the kindest most generous person in the world," it will then become a sentence. In its present form, it remains a phrase, that is, a group of words without meaning. For example, we can correctly rephrase the above into a sentence as: "John remains the kindest and most generous person in the world."
Percival tells the boys that the monster comes out of the
sea in squid shape and afterward is a phantom ashore, so nobody can see it,
however despite everything it assaults its prey.
Being trapped on an island without any grown-ups for solace
could be exceptionally terrifying to a little kid! Such is the situation with
Percival in William Golding's celebrated novel Lord of the Flies. Percival first
winds up known as the 'littlun' who cries constantly.