Churchill’s speech was meant to inspire the British people to continue fighting in the war, and to protect and fight for the survival of their empire and everything they stood for, and to do this as a united nation against their opponent.
Mary Brown's dog symbolizes the child in a way the police can get away with the killing even if the child or citizens are innocent.
The police showing no remorse about killing an innocent life of the dog/child demonstrates the corruption of the environment there.
C. , ... you would use commas when connecting and... 'Monique clutched the championship trophy and said, "this...
I think it means that you are supposed to create a PSA about something you’re passionate about. For example, if you’re passionate about the environment, you might choose to do a PSA about littering.
<h2>honestamente ... tal vez séptimo grado para mí, fue entonces cuando realmente tuve amigos de verdad ... no he tenido ninguno en un tiempo XD. </h2><h2>También utilicé un traductor para esto</h2><h2>...yo no es fluente en espanol-</h2>