How is Technology related to addiction? I look at this question as I'm on my chromebook and don't think that it's a problem regardless of how much it is! You go to the store and you're pushing your cart but your list- that's on your phone. and you look up and you're about to run into a mother who has a child sitting in her cart. That child has a tablet in its hands to keep it calm while in the store. With a pretty pink case that has disney princesses on it and a stand that holds it to the cart so that the child won't drop it. Where I'm getting with this is why do we have all of this for technology? for a child in the grocery store? for a grocery list? it is slowly taking over our lives and we don't even notice it. less than 7% of the world was online in the 2000. Now over half the global population has access to the internet. keep that in mind.
i also put it in docs to make sure it didnt have any flaws:)
2. What has Mary sold? (This is because her old car is bold in the sentence, which means that the question would be asking <em>what</em> was sold by Mary.)
3. Who is writing an email? (This is because Harriet is bold, which means that the question would be asking <em>who</em> was writing the email.)
4. Who like this book? (Joseph is bold, which means that the question is asking <em>who</em> likes the book.)
5. What does Joseph like? (this book is bold, meaning that the question is asking about <em>what </em>Joseph likes.)
6. What did Maya lose? (her ring is in bold, meaning that the question would be asking <em>what</em> Maya lost.)
B) Examples
She uses all sorts of side effects of the treatment to show how debilitating it was to the patient