Geography is the spatial study of the earth’s surface (from the Greek geo, which means “Earth,” and graphein, which means “to write”). Geographers study the earth’s physical characteristics, its inhabitants and cultures, phenomena such as climate, and the earth’s place within the universe. Geography examines the spatial relationships between all physical and cultural phenomena in the world. Geographers also look at how the earth, its climate, and its landscapes are changing due to cultural intervention.
The first known use of the word geography was by Eratosthenes of Cyrene (modern-day Libya in North Africa), an early Greek scholar who lived between 276 and 194 BCE. He devised one of the first systems of longitude and latitude and calculated the earth’s circumference. Additionally, he created one of the first maps of the world based on the available knowledge of the time. Around the same time, many ancient cultures in (China, southern Asia, Polynesia, and the Arabian Peninsula) also developed maps and navigation systems used in geography and cartography.
I hope it helps
The correct answer is:
Behaviorism, structuralism, and functionalism were the earliest schools of thought in the field of psychology, but neither of the last two (structuralism, and functionalism) remains today, both have influences on modern-day psychology. Structuralism played a role in the metamorphosis of psychology into an experimental science, while functionalism acted as a precursor for the development of behaviorism.
Behaviorism, also known as behavioral science is a theory of learning, which states that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment, through a process called conditioning, thus, behavior is simply a response to environmental stimuli. Behaviorism can also be further divided into two types: Methodological behaviorism and radical behaviorism.
Psychoanalysis is a newer school of thought compared to the other three.
Remember that the unemployed are those who are out of work and who are actively looking for a job. We can calculate the unemployment rate by dividing the number of unemployed people by the total number in the labor force, then multiplying by 100.
The evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin inspired many sociologist to suggest that society is itself an organism which evolves from a primitive stage to a modern one. L.H Morgan suggests three stages of evolution which are savagery, barbarism, and civilization by which society moves from simple to more complex form. British sociologist Herbert Spencer applied Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest to society and according to him western societies are better adaptive to the changing times and therefore they are surviving and evolving.