Question : Which one of the following statements contains bias?
Logical Answer : B. The employees whined about their low wages.
Answer B Industrialization of an area
Answer A doesn't have enough of an impact on the forest
Answer C While has an effect on the environment doesn't directly relate to deforestation
Answer D Again does have an effect on our environment but isn't the leading cause in deforestation
A. Like the Soviets, people in democracies B. Like the Soviets, people in democratic
were not worried about a different form of
societies also felt communism was an
attack on liberty and freedom
C. Like the Soviets, people in democracies
thought communists were spies.
D. Like the Soviets, people in democracies
worried about a different form of
Ignorance, apathy, & incapacity
There are different ways or factors that can make individual to commit fraud. Though, basically it is grouped into control factors and non control factors.
Some of the none control factors includes:
1. Inability to judge quality of performance
2. Ignorance, apathy and incapacity
3. Lack of access to information
4. Lack of an audit trait
5. Failure to discipline fraud perpetrators
Hence, ignorance, apathy and incapacity are some the non control factors, such that people who are more exposed to frauds or being victims of frauds, are often times old people, people with language barriers, or those with incapacity to determine the legality of their actions or incations. These kinds of people are easily deceived by fraudsters.
we need to preserve our traditional skill and technologies because it might help the future generations. We can preserve them by telling other family members or friends that seem interested.
1.Its good to keep doing something that's natural or special to you or your family.
2. Passing down the traditions and skill would help kids or family be more different then other people also.