1. Cytokinesis represents the major reproductive procedure of unicellular organisms, and it occurs in the process of embryonic development and tissue growth and repair of higher plants and animals.
2. Cytokinesis performs an essential process to separate the cell in half and ensure that one nucleus ends up in each daughter cell. Cytokinesis starts during the nuclear division phase called anaphase and continues through telophase.
The answer is C because dominant is the capital letters and homozygous means the same
An Rh negative individual does not contain anti Rh antibodies. Rh- antibodies only develop in cases of pregnancy, miscarriage or a blood transfusion like if you have Rh-negative blood you got AB blood. The Rh-antibodies then work to attack the foreign substance, the RBCs. In the fetus, loss of RBCs means the rise of bilburin and could eventually lead to brain damage and also have low muscle tone.
Detects foreign antigens
Antibodies are the defense cells of the body. They are produced by the white blood cells and help in fighting and killing foreign bodies which are known as antigens. The antibodies attacks the antigens by binding onto it and releasing chemicals to kill it or by engulfing the foreign body( antigen).Examples of antibodies are IgA and IgG.