There are several reasons for the rise in the single parent homes (divided families). One of the most basic reasons has to do with <u>commitment</u> to marriage vows. Many decide the first time things get rough, they won't work on the problem together but just opt for a divorce. A <u>divorce no longer holds the stigma</u> it once did so people feel more free in using it as a solution. Being a single parent, although difficult at times, doesn't have to be someone confined to the home for childcare 24/7 but are <u>educated and can afford to go it on their own</u>. Women, or even men, <u>do not have to suffer physical, mental or verbal abuse at the hand on their mate </u>as people now recognize this type of abuse is not the person's fault. To the list of reasons for separated families we can add 1)<u>immaturity</u> 2)<u> feeling of entitlement</u> 3) <u>lack of spirituality in the home</u> 4)<u> welfare is more profitable as a single parent </u>and 5)<u> basic family values have not been passes down from older generations.</u>
The other name for the European Recovery Program, and the one that is more commonly used is the Marshall Plan. This plan had as its objective to boost after-war economy in Europe.
It was offered to many European Countries, but some refused because they were under the influence of the Soviet Union.
I encountered this question before but it had choices. The missing choices of this question are:
A- immigration
<span>B-Natural selection </span>
<span>C- Random mutations </span>
<span>D- Geographic isolation
My answer would be C - RANDOM MUTATIONS.
A. Immigration is not applicable because it states There has been no migration in or out of the population in the last 200 years.
B. Natural selection is not applicable because of it states that the recessive allele frequency has been 0%.
D. Geographic isolation is not applicable because it is not a factor in the increase in the recessive allele frequency.