The wages that you make, after taxes have been taken out, is called your net pay
1- simile
explanation: it is relating the person to the feather, both being light, while using LIKE or AS. it is still giving the person its own identity while comparing it.
2- metaphor
explanation: it is immediately calling the girl a rocket ship, without LIKE or AS, meaning it’s relating her to it without giving the girl her own identity.
3- simile
explanation: it is relating the person to a diamond, both being shiny, while using LIKE or AS. it is still giving the person its own identity while comparing it.
4- allusion
explanation: it is indirectly referring the person’s dancing to another identity who dances as well.
5- personification
explanation: it is comparing the parking place to something non-human, as a way to express the person’s feelings about it more.
I just took the test and it is a, not b!
The correct answer is D, because that is the only sentence written in the active voice, the rest are written in the passive voice.