B. 80%
To assertain:
1 hit takes 1 clock cycle while 1 miss takes 6 clock cycles
Assuming that:
- we have 100 accesses in total,
- p are hits,
- 100 - p are misses

Hence, option B. 80% will result in an effective access time of 2 clock cycles.
The answer is "Option D".
Web service is also known as an online open software product, which uses a common XML messaging service system. It is used service like HTTP, SOAP, etc, that encrypts messages from all web services.
- It uses the internet, that enables you the interface or application for the user interaction or exchanging data.
- It will turn the software into web apps.
Name any extension of MS word.
What language are you programming in?
<span>If you are programming in C or C++, you could do something like this: </span>
<span>#include <iostream> </span>
<span>using namespace std; </span>
<span>int main(void) </span>
<span>{ </span>
<span>//declarations </span>
<span>double item1 = 0; </span>
<span>double item2 = 0; </span>
<span>double item3 = 0; </span>
<span>double item4 = 0; </span>
<span>double item5 = 0; </span>
<span>double subtotal = 0; </span>
<span>double total = 0; </span>
<span>double tax = 0; </span>
<span>//Enter Items </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 1"; </span>
<span>cin >> item1; </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 2"; </span>
<span>cin >> item2; </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 3"; </span>
<span>cin >> item3; </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 4"; </span>
<span>cin >> item4; </span>
<span>cout << "Please enter the price of item 5"; </span>
<span>cin >> item5; </span>
<span>//Compute subtotal </span>
<span>subtotal = (item1 + item2 + item3 + item4 + item5 + item6); </span>
<span>//Compute amount of tax </span>
<span>tax = subtotal * (.06); </span>
<span>//Compute total </span>
<span>total = subtotal + tax; </span>
<span>//Display subtotal, total, and amount of tax </span>
<span>cout < " The subtotal of the sale is: " << subtotal << endl; </span>
<span>cout < " The amount of sales tax is: " << tax << endl; </span>
<span>cout < " The total of the sale is: " << total << endl; </span>
<span>return 0; </span>
<span>}//end of function main </span>
<span>I know this is a very very basic C++ program but I hope it helps and good luck on your project!</span>
Technology should not be used to teach in school as it can lead to distractions. With kids wanting to explore other sights, cheating, and communicating with others. Also, it can be expensive to purchase the technology for everyone as it can be a major investment with hundreds or thousands going into it. Technology also requires a lot of training by having to adapt lessons compatible with the systems and making sure the software is secure.