A already assigned variable cannot be assigned twice You can make the variable change over to a new one or call a whole new one to assign one without a value or It might be possible to do v=n (v is variable and n is number / value)
Following are the code in Java Language:
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); // create a instance of scanner class
DecimalFormat frmt = new DecimalFormat("0.###"); // create a instance of // DecimalFormat class
System.out.println ("Enter the value: ");
double number = scan.nextDouble(); // Read the value by thje user
System.out.println (fmmt.format(Math.pow(number, 4))); // display the value
Following are the description of the code
- Create an instance scanner class i.e "sc".
- Create an instance of DecimalFormat class i.e "frmt".
- Read the value by the user in the "number" variable of type double by using the nextDouble()method.
- Finally, display the value by using System.out.println method. In this, we call the method format. The Math.pow() function is used to calculating the power up to the fourth value.
Answer:if you are looking for video and audio data its mp4
there is no explaination
This is where you will be able to hopefully find what your missing.
For question one, Resnick skeptical of calling the young people of today 'digital natives' will have to be agree. For agreeable reasons is because people who are called "digital natives", is because they are in a technological state that they are familiar with. Which means that if young people are in a state of technology and they are really into it, you have this unbreakable string tied to the waist and it hangs into you from a tree. And for reason two, is because coding can be helpful. In situations like people hacking you, with coding, now that is when it comes in.
And for the others, I'll have to look at some more information I might have. But, here is your first answer is up above, If it isn't good enough, then let me know.
Hope this helps.