When a company finds itself in a country that has a competitive advantage in a particular product and the company produces goods aimed at competiting against the local market by using international production. It will most likely fail as it cannot meet up low cost of local firms.
If however the manager's of the company make a strategic decision of manufacturing locally, this will take advantage of the lower cost of production.
The company can take ownership of a local firm through which it can successfully produce locally.
you need ideas and concepts
International investment has become more one-sided, consisting almost entirely of foreign direct investment.
This is because now internationally opportunities are being seized to have a better return on investment , to invest where opportunity cost is better and scope of foreign direct investment includes purchase of assets and shares.
Answer and explanation:
The EVLN (Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Neglect) model explains how employees react differently in front of dissatisfaction at work. In such a way:
- Exit:<em> implies quitting or requesting a change of roles within the same organization.
- Voice: <em>involves providing constructive suggestions about a stressful situation.
- Loyalty:<em> implies waiting for the issue to be solved by others.
- Neglect:<em> involves reducing labor efficiency to harm the company's performance.
Thus, in the example, the<em> exit (employee who quits), voice (employee who complains), </em>and<em> loyalty (employee who does nothing)</em> reactions are used by employees even if they share the general idea that payments are low.
1) Mixed economies are a mix of Command (regulated by the government) and free (Market) economy - the answer is b)
2)Today most countries have a mixed economy, there are few (such as North Korea) which have a command economy, but none have a true free market (for example drugs are regulated)
3)Inflation means that one needs more money to buy the same goods - this is measured by a rising Consumer Prize index (answer d)
4) this indicator would be a steady, but low inflation - but inflation is bad for the economy but lack of inflation is not really stable