This Is True Bc They Really Had No Where Else Or The Knowledge Too Journey Anywhere Else .
If the government never had separate the power into three branches the government would've been anarchy government who would be greedy to share his powers to the citizens and he would ignore the concern of the citizens.
They made syrup by boiling down sap from maple trees. Instead of walking through the thick forests, Iroquois often paddled log and bark canoes along lakes and rivers. ... Women Farmers To clear a space for farming, Iroquois men burned away trees and underbrush. Women did the rest.
hope this helps
please feel free to email back to you with some other time nalang kuya drian 18 mo
A. To finance their growing empire.
A time period was not provided **
The British directly taxed the colonists in 1764 (post-French and Indian War) to pay off their debt, thus raising money for Britain.