<span>1) RNA. This is the exact description of the RNA. A RNA is a protein derivated from the DNA, which contain a piece of information, like a protein, that need to be built. The Rna take the message to the cytoplasm, where the the protein is built. RNA is equal to DNA, with the difference that the the base U is complementary of the base A, where in the DNA, the complentary base for A is T.
2) Neither dna or rna. An enzim is a protein that act as a cathalist for many reaction. The role of dna and rna is to keep safe the genetic information and make it available on request to produce proteins and enzims, but per se they are not enzim as they do not act like catalist.</span>
Osiris is the Egyptian god of the living and dead
According to Khrushchev the results of the US remained unknown and a bit complicated. Khrushchev said the U.S. was setting up military blocs with other countries so that it could gain a dominant position in the capitalist world. They claimed as Khrushchev would put it that they were doing so to defend themselves against communist threat but that, according to him was based on a lie. In addition, the arms race was supposed to result in a balance of power.
However, it was obvious that a move like that could easily lead to war. In simple words, he thinks that U.S. is a capitalist state and would start a World War III. As is evident today, when nations start competing among themselves and start showcasing who has military might than the other, the danger of war increases.