The answer is false. To explain further, let G have vertices
{v1, v2, v3, v4}, with ends between each pair of vertices, and with the mass on
the edge from vi to vj equal to I + j. Then each tree has a bottle neck edge mass
of as a minimum of 5, so the tree containing of a track through vertices v3, v2,
v1,v4 is a least bottleneck tree. It is not a least spanning tree, though, subsequently
its total mass is greater than that of the tree with edges from v1 to every
single vertex.
The sodium amytal test involves the injection of a small amount of sodium amytal into the carotid artery on one side of the neck. This injection anesthetizes the hemisphere on that side for a few minutes.
A method that involves injecting a small amount of a barbiturate into the carotid artery on one side of the head to assess hemispheric functions, usually memory and language. The cerebral hemisphere that was injected selectively becomes impaired for 10 to 15 minutes during this operation.
Various cognitive tests are given while each hemisphere is seperately anaesthetized; deficiencies on these tasks imply that these functions are represented in the anaesthetized hemisphere. Prior to a temporal lobectomy, the Wada test may be utilised in cases with severe and uncontrollable epilepsy. Also known as the Wada technique, intracarotid sodium Amytal test (ISA), Wada dominance test, and intracarotid amobarbital procedure.
Learn more about sodium Amytal test (ISA) here;
no but they have fins but ig thats wings to some people
Actions happens after transcription ends is "An mRNA molecule leaves the nucleus of the cell."
Transcription is the process of formation of mRNA from DNA. DNA is the genetic material which carries all the information for the formation of mRNA and then protein. Transcription occurs in nucleus, but as soon as the mRNA is formed it unwinds from the template DNA stand and moves into the cytoplasm for the next process i.e. translation. Translation occurs nearer to the ribosomes, it is the formation of protein from mRNA strand. combinedly transcription and translation are referred as the central dogma of the molecular biology.