GHB Sdn Bhd and Sandhu
The prospect for Sandhu to recover the extra commission negotiated with Ahmad during golf is very remote.
1. It was made under undue influence, when Ahmad could have lacked the capacity to make a binding contract. In addition, at that time, Sandhu disclosed that the land was being sought after by many other parties as a way of piling unnecessary pressure on Ahmad.
2. There was no intention to create a legal relation because the additional commission represents a counter-offer. Since the earlier offer was fully documented, this additional offer should have also followed the same process if the company intended to be legally bound.
3. There is lack of consideration to back this additional contract. In the first place, the main contract with Sandhu was made in view of his negotiation skills. So what is Sandhu expected to offer the company in exchange for the extra commission? Nothing.
GHB cannot be expected to promise 0.5% extra commission on a deal, which was equivalent to RM2 million, when an already executed contract for 3% commission had been reached. One can also claim that Ahmad, who suffered from occasional dementia, could have made the promise without the intention for it to be binding on his company but as a way of encouraging Sandhu to close the deal in favor of GHB. Was the deal closed because of the extra commission? No.
In the case of Smith v Fifth Third Bank, regarding the <em><u>class action </u></em><em><u>lawsuit </u></em>settlement reached by the parties involved, we can confirm the settlement payment is that of 5.2 million dollars.
The case of Smith v Fifth Third Bank was a <u>class action </u><u>lawsuit</u>. A class-action suit is one in which the lawsuit is a collection of suits filed by <u>many parties, which are tried as a single case, and the parties in question are represented by </u><u>one member </u><u>or group of </u><u>members</u>.
In the case mentioned the lawsuit resulted in a settlement. This is when the party being sued <u>agrees to a payout in return for the charges being dropped. </u>It is said that the Bank in question created a settlement fund to pay the members involved, which held a total of 5.2 million dollars to be paid to the victims.
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Well the main goal is to be kind even though people throw pig blood at you, curse you off. You have to help people. Basically not be yourself. There are good cops and bad cops. The NOT main goal is to be direspectful,c shooting people for no reason and more.
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)