When operating a business, your budget will need to be created to account for fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs include your rent, utilities, phone/ Internet, accountant, legal fees, technology, salaries, advertising & marketing. Variable costs include the costs of goods sold and labor costs/ commissions.
Ask her to get a genuine software
if i will install, it can cause the following problems:
1. Prated software makes your system Vulnerable to the security attacks because the activities of the software are not monitored by any organization and no one is responsible for anything bad happened to your system.
2. It may stop working anytime because there would not be maintenance patches available for it so that it can work properly.
3. It cannot be updated and may cause problems in core functionalities of it.
4.Serious legal actions can be taken against anyone using them because economy has drastic decrease due ti use of it.
By Using the Greedy- Activity- Selection algorithm
The Greedy- Activity- Selection algorithm in this case involves
First finding a maximum size set S1, of compatible activities from S for the first lecture hall.
Then using it again to find a maximum size set S2 of compatible activities from S - S1 for the second hall.
This is repeated till all the activities are assigned.
It requires θ(n2) time in its worse .
Rapid Application Development is the specific term