Exaggerated used of the technique can produce a comical effect, while more realistic animation must time the actions exactly to produce a convincing result. Slow in and slow out. Adds more frames near the beginning and near the end of a movement, and fewer in the middle, to make the animation appear more realistic.
The word processor used to be the only office machine in the year 1960s, that combined the keyboard text-entry and various printing functions of an electric typewriter with the recording memory. And this recording unit was a tape or a floppy disk, with the simplest of processor applied for text editing. Hence, the above statement that the early word processors ran on the devices that look like digital is true.
The answer is SOPA or Stop Online Piracy Act. This bill was introduced by Lamar Smith a representative in US. Lamar passed this bill in the United states to enforce the law to combat online copyright, online trafficking, and other cyber crimes. There are many provisions on this bill including the court orders to request ISP (Internet Service Provided) to block access to that website.
Answer: Insert
The Ribbon was introduced by Microsoft in 2017 and it's simply a user interface element that can be found below Quick Access Toolbar. The Ribbon consist of seven tabs which are:
• Home
• Insert
• Page layout
• References
• Mailing
• Review
• View.
The Ribbon tab that has the tool that lets you connect your text to a URL is the Insert tab.
In the Menu bar, the person should click on the Insert tab that us in the Links section. After that, click on the Hyperlink or the Link option, then in the Insert Hyperlink window, one can then type addr as of the web page that the person wants to connect the text to after which the leoen will then click OK.
"Physical layer" is the correct answer.
- It dealt mostly with bit-level transfer across various equipment as well as it provides industrial automation connections to meet quality standards to something like digital downloads.
- The purpose of this layer would be to consolidate essential networking system compatibility so that information is being sent successfully.
Thus, the above is the correct answer.