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The riddle which says the one who built have not used it before, and the user has never for once seen it, is Coffin.
- This statement can be regarded as a riddle, which is a question, phrase that can be termed to different meaning it is puzzle that needed to be solved.
- Coffin here are used for human remains , and the maker of has not used it before because he still alive.
Therefore, a Riddle is a way to test our ability to reason in different ways.
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Spartan Society
Sparta, also known as Lacedaemon, was an ancient Greek city-state located primarily in the present-day region of southern Greece called Laconia.
Conflict: Battle of Leuctra
In an attempt to reduce the likelihood of a type ii error, the experimenter proposes to recruit a very large group of participants.
In statistical hypothesis testing, a Type I error is actually an incorrect rejection of the true null hypothesis (a.k.a. a "false positive" result or conclusion; e.g., "Innocent person convicted ing"). Rejection of one actually false null hypothesis (also called a "false negative" result or conclusion, e.g. "guilty party not convicted").
Many statistical theories revolve around minimizing one or both of these errors, but unless the outcome is determined by a known and observable causal process, either of these errors can be completely quantified. It is statistically impossible to eliminate You can improve the quality of the hypothesis test by choosing a lower threshold (cutoff) and changing the alpha (α) level. Knowledge of type I and type II errors is widely used in medicine, biometrics, and computer science.
Learn more about type ii error here: